Critical Illness Cover in the USA developed along a different path to the UK.
In this week’s episode, I talk to Ken Smith, a pioneer in the US critical illness market.
We discuss the differences in the products between the two countries. Chat about how American companies market them. And debate whether the UK can learn any lessons from the US critical illness cover model.
That’s all right here in Episode 61 of the Marketing Protection and Finance Podcast.

Who is Ken Smith
Ken is director of health product sales with Assurity Life Insurance Company in Lincoln, Nebraska. He has over 35 years of insurance experience in both field and home office positions.
He was one of the organisers and president of the Critical Illness Working Group, and he is a past president of the National Association for Critical Illness Insurance. Ken is one of the leading experts on critical illness sales in the United States.
He’s author Sales Lessons from the Masters and speaks hundreds of times each year to US insurance agent groups.
Ken’s Links:

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