Tom Conner on the Lessons from the Drewberry Protection Insurance Survey 2015 – MPAF33

In a research survey, you’d usually associate with major provider companies, Drewberry Insurance’s Protection survey lifts the lid on what consumers think of life insurance, critical illness and income protection.

Whilst the results aren’t surprising they do remind us that we must renew our efforts to push out positive messages.

Listen to Tom explain why Drewberry set up the survey, what the sample was and the headline results.

Hear about the three top reasons consumers don’t consider protection insurance. Those three primary reasons are unchanged in almost twenty years and highlight more than ever before, the need for face to face financial advice.

That’s all right here in episode 33 of the Marketing Protection and Finance Podcast.

Tom Connor MPAF33

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Who is Tom Conner?

Tom is a director at Drewberry Insurance.

He was an adviser for 5 years but now spends most of his time running the business and managing a team of 15 other advisers.

Before that he worked in the City after graduating with a master’s degree in finance from Cambridge University.

Tom believes passionately about educating the wider public about the need for protection, and income protection in particular.

Outside of work Tom can often be found at the rugby watching England or the Harlequins and has the goal of skiing on every continent of the world, having already ticked three off the list

Things Tom and I discussed:

Tom’s Favourite Apps:

Tom’s Contact links:

Tom’s favourite books:

How to Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

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