Go to PowerPoint Last. Read this eBook first: Simple Steps to a Killer Talk

Have you been asked to put together a talk or presentation for an event?

What’s the first thing you do?

Most likely, you move the mouse pointer over the PowerPoint icon, click and then get busy putting together some slides.

You know how it goes. Heading. Bullet point. Bullet point. Bullet Point.

Or have you ever been at an event when someone delivers a “Death by PowerPoint” presentation? Hundreds of slides with tiny writing which they proceed to read out? They may even say, “Apologies to those at the back of the room, you won’t be able to read this small text.” In truth, the people on the front row will be struggling too.

If you want your talk to stand out. If you want to put together a killer talk then don’t, repeat, don’t go to PowerPoint first. In fact, PowerPoint should be the last thing you open.

My new eBook, “Simple Steps to a Killer Talk”, gives you a better way. Helps you avoid PowerPoint driving your script and becoming your crutch or comfort blanket.

More and more of my clients are asking for help on putting together killer talks, and a recent episode of the Marketing & Finance Podcast on this subject is one of the most popular ever. The feedback on this episode inspired me to write this eBook.

Simple Steps to a Killer Talk

Here’s what you can find in the eBook.

  • Knowing your customer/audience
  • Big Message
  • One liner or jingle
  • Knowledge goals
  • Emotional goals
  • Action goals
  • Segments
  • Blistering opening and memorable close

…and then you can go to PowerPoint.

The eBook guides you through putting together an engaging structure for your talk, including how to use stories to make your audience take action.

PowerPoint will never be your first port of call again.

To download the eBook please click on this link. It’s free.

If you want more help putting together a killer talk, I’d be delighted to talk to you some more. Please do get in touch.

Martin Brooks on giving pitches and presentations with greater impact – MAF152

On the show this week, I talk to Martin Brooks. He’s an “Impacttologist”.

We chat about creating a greater impact in your pitches and presentations. How to convince, influence and motivate others.

Welcome to episode 152 of the Marketing and Finance Podcast.

Martin Brooks on giving pitches and presentations with greater impact - MAF152

What you’ll hear about in this episode

  • What an impattologist actually is
  • How a background in the travel industry shaped Martin’s career as a communication and sales trainer
  • Combining psychology with communication skills to convince, influence and motivate those you’re speaking to
  • Using tone of voice and rhetorical techniques to push home a message
  • How Martin’s digital coaching process works and cuts out the tedium of travel
  • How to keep your audiences attention and stop them reaching for their mobile devices

Who is Martin Brooks?

Martin describes himself as an “Impacttologist”. A person who studies the behaviour of the world’s top communicators to understand how they convince, influence and motivate others.

He’s an enabler of people’s potential. Through his feedback, coaching and advice, he helps people create the “impact” in presentations that are representative of their potential – rather than their current combination of confidence and communication skills.


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David Worsfold on Digital Communications and Honing Your Presentation Skills – MPAF34

Digital technology lets us craft exciting content and communications.

Words, images, audio and video of high quality and low budget undreamed of only a few years ago.

Whilst digital communications can enhance your brand and generate leads you can’t beat a good live presentation for delivering a story or message. But for some people, presenting in front of an audience is among their greatest fears.

My guest today is a journalist who’s embraced digital technology to great effect and who offers training for those afraid of getting up on their feet, and those looking to improve their presentations.

Listen to David’s views on digital communications in the financial services industry.

Listen to his tips and anecdotes on how to hone your presentation skills.

That’s all right here in episode 34 of the Marketing Protection and Finance Podcast.

David Worsfold on Digital Communications and Honing Your Presentation Skills

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Who is David Worsfold?

David Worsfold has over 30 years experience as a journalist, mainly covering the insurance industry, financial services and politics. He has a broad experience of editorial management in large and small publishing companies, launching and re-launching publications, brand development through the launch of conferences, awards and websites and of overseeing production and design services.

He’s been the editor of Post Magazine, Reinsurance and Insurance Age. Three times winner of the Insurance Journalist of the Year Award. Winner of Best General Insurance Journalist at 1999 Financial Services Media Awards and the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007. Chief Executive’s Award for Outstanding Achievement at the 2007 Incisive Media Awards.

David launched the British Insurance Awards, the Rehabilitation First Awards, the Cover Magazine Protection Awards and established the All Party Parliamentary Group on Insurance & Financial Services.

He has extensive experience of re-aligning content creation and delivery for the modern, multi-platform, mobile world, especially working with publishing teams that need to move from a print-centric environment to the web first world of today. He has an extensive experience of using social media to promote content, products, businesses and organisations including building video and audio content for Incisive Media’s websites.

David’s Contact links:

David’s favourite book:

Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think by Viktor Myer-Shonberger and Kenneth Cukier.

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