Pop Quiz! A Heart Attack. Can you describe EXACTLY what it is?

On my recent First Aid refresher course, the tutor asked our group to describe what a heart attack is. Having been in the protection industry for many years I was ready to trot out a paraphrased version of the ABI heart attack critical illness definition.

If she’d asked me.

She didn’t.

But only 1 out of the 8 the tutor did ask got it right.

My latest article for Financial Reporter asks what this means for customers and how they see critical illness products. Please click on the picture to read!

Heart Attack

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And when I say we need simplification, I don’t necessarily mean fewer conditions covered. But what about simpler definitions?

“Diagnosis of a heart attack by a consultant cardiologist.” Full stop.

From a pricing point of view that might not be possible but it would certainly be easier to understand than the full ABI technical definition.

Now it’s your turn: What could we do to make critical illness products easier for consumers to understand? Will we ever be able to move away from the complicated, technical definitions that we use today? Please share your views. Leave a comment or a link to your own articles.