On Thursday’s I publish my latest podcast episodes
Most week’s it’s an interview with someone from the world of marketing and finance.
I love interviewing people and learn so much from them as we discuss a wide range of topics.
But I also get interviewed on other people’s podcasts too. This week I’m sharing two recent examples:
Engage with Story Podcast with Ben Amos
Ben runs an Australian company called Engage Video Marketing. He’s also a passionate advocate of storytelling in marketing. Each week on his show he examines storytelling in detail.
Ben called my episode, “Taking the BS out of Business Storytelling”.
Here’s what he had to say:
“This episode is all about clearing out the BS that can so often surround story marketing. My guest is a marketing consultant and educator who helps people keep their marketing simple in a world where business BS and complexity threaten to stifle success. He is Roger Edwards, from rogeredwards.co.uk.”
You can listen using the media player below.
Hot Content Marketing Podcast with Natalie Hailey
Natalie launched the Hot Content Marketing Podcast at the start of January 2018 and I was delighted to be her first guest.
Natalie, a mum, Italiophile and foodie just happens to have an overwhelming urge to show the world that they can succeed in business, on and offline regardless of age, insecurities and industry.
Natalie called my episode: How to keep your marketing simple (which as you know is one of my favourite subjects).
We talk about:
- The importance of jargon-free writing
- His 3 rules of simple writing
- A great tip for getting that dreaded first draft down ‘on paper’
- His basic marketing strategy questions
You can listen using the media player below.
Now it’s your turn:
If you enjoyed these two great podcasts please give Ben and Natalie your support. Check out some of their other episodes on iTunes and maybe subscribe to their shows.