Could Adviser produced content be the key to future growth of the UK protection market? Maybe even the whole financial services industry?
And would your policy definitions stand up to “the couch test”? Or survive a mauling on social media?
Welcome to episode 105 of the Marketing and Finance Podcast.
What you’ll hear about in this episode
How advisers can create videos, audios and publications to engage their clients
How everyone carries a mobile TV studio, radio station and virtual assistant in their pockets or bags
Could you defend your policy wordings in the glare of the media spotlight?
Why we should put policy conditions out on social media for feedback
Today is one of those occasional episodes where it’s just me and the mike, talking about a couple of topics that have recently caught my attention in the financial services market.
I’m going to have a look at adviser produced content. And how we can use social media as a research tool when developing products to avoid future problems.
If you enjoyed – Adviser produced content, the couch test, and engaging our clients– please leave a comment or a review on iTunes.
And if you know anyone who would enjoy the show – please share it with them. You can use the buttons below to share on social media.
Don’t miss an episode of the MAF Podcast – subscribe now.
Adviser produced content, the couch test, and engaging our clients – MAF105
RogerCould Adviser produced content be the key to future growth of the UK protection market? Maybe even the whole financial services industry?
And would your policy definitions stand up to “the couch test”? Or survive a mauling on social media?
Welcome to episode 105 of the Marketing and Finance Podcast.
What you’ll hear about in this episode
Today is one of those occasional episodes where it’s just me and the mike, talking about a couple of topics that have recently caught my attention in the financial services market.
I’m going to have a look at adviser produced content. And how we can use social media as a research tool when developing products to avoid future problems.
If you enjoyed – Adviser produced content, the couch test, and engaging our clients – please leave a comment or a review on iTunes.
And if you know anyone who would enjoy the show – please share it with them. You can use the buttons below to share on social media.
Don’t miss an episode of the MAF Podcast – subscribe now.
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